Risk factors of childhood leukemia at Tripoli medical center in Libya





Journal title

American journal of pharmacy and pharmacology


Vol. 1 No. 2


Abdurrauf Gusbi


17 - 22


Abstract This study was conducted to investigate the risk factors of leukemia childhood at Tripoli medical center department of Pediatric Oncology; Forty one patients participate in this study their ages between 2-13 years (26 Males and 15 Females). Based on questionnaire to the patients family about the risk factors 17% of the families have no idea about the type of the leukemia 68% of the participated patient suffering from acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and 15% from acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Our results show that the paternal age may increase the risk factor of child leukemia as 37% of the parent ages more than 40 years old. Arranging of the child in their family can also affect the development of the leukemia as about 29% of leukemic child was first or only one child in their family. Also our data shows that 25% of the risk factors due to smoking, housing location near benzene station, industrial regions, weapon stores and the high electric pressure. Other factors like fast food represent about 22% and the house hold solvent represent 9% and soda drink represent 8%. The risk factors play an important role in increasing the incidence of leukemia however the contribution of these factor participating as complementary to each other instead of each factor alone. Doctors, nurses and pharmacists should working together around the world to continue to improve outcome for children diagnosed with pediatric cancer.



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