Evaluating the Surface Properties of Prosthodontic Polymer Impression Materials





Journal title

AlQalam Journal of Medical and Applied Science


Vol. 7 No. 4


Gazia Mohamed Elbakoush


910 - 915


Surface properties of prosthodontic polymer impression materials, such as hardness, roughness, and accuracy, are crucial for the accurate replication of oral structures in restorative dentistry. To evaluate the surface properties by using different types of polymer impression materials commonly used in dentistry and analyze their surface characteristics. Materials and methods: Forty -five samples of materials were used, including alginate (irreversible hydrocolloid), condensation silicone (putty) and addition silicone (putty), study was conducted at the advanced medical polymer group in the Libyan Polymer Research Center to evaluate the surface properties of prosthodontic polymer impression materials. Three evaluation methods were used: Shore hardness testing, surface roughness testing, and dimensional accuracy measurements. Data analysis included mean, standard deviation, and One-way ANOVA calculations. Alginate has a lower hardness compared to addition silicone (putty) and condensation silicone (putty). The ANOVA test for surface roughness showed no significant differences among the materials, with a p-value of 0.027. For shore hardness, there were no significant differences among the materials, with a p-value of 0.000. The ANOVA test for dimensional accuracy showed no significant differences among the different periods for alginate, condensation silicone (putty) and addition silicone (putty), with p-values of 0.000 respectively. The study concluded that alginate had the lowest hardness and roughness compared to condensation silicone (putty) and addition silicone (putty). There are no significant differences among the material surface properties (Shore hardness and surface roughness) but not in dimensional accuracy among the materials. This information provides valuable insights for dental professionals working with impression material.

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