This study aimed to enhance microbial isolates' growth and nutrient availability through the use of a mixed biofertilizer and various nutritional media. Additionally, the impact of adding ZnO nanoparticles on agricultural soil fertility and the development of microbial isolates was investigated. The preservation of microbial isolates, maintenance of the ideal food-to- microorganism ratio, and vitality assurance were achieved through this procedure. The resulting liquid biological fertilizer, containing a beneficial and eco-friendly community of living microorganisms, can be safely applied to agricultural soil. The application of zinc oxide as a nano-composite to a solution containing microorganisms effectively fertilized banana plants without causing harm or pollution. Biofertilizers, which are organic and contain specific microorganisms, offer a greener alternative to chemical fertilizers, meeting plant nutritional needs while minimizing environmental pollution. Correct utilization of biofertilizers is crucial for preserving soil quality, increasing crop yields, and protecting the environment.