The Use GIS to Assess the Environmental Impact of Sewage Waste on Groundwater




Conference paper

Conference title



Ali Bin Saeid


27 - 30


Abstract— The study aimed to use geographic information systems to create and upload digital maps to study the environmental management of the pollution of groundwater wells as a result of black wells in the municipality of Souq al-Jumaa, Shurfat Al Malaha area. The study showed the exposure of groundwater in the Shurfat Al Malaha area to pollution resulting from sewage water and its unsuitability for use, as the study area lacks sewage services, which led to the population’s use of black wells, which led to the arrival of sewage water to the groundwater, carrying with it many Chemical pollutants (nitrates - biological oxygen requirement - chemical oxygen requirement). It also showed the ability of GIS to study water and its characteristics, produce accurate maps, assess the general situation of groundwater, and create geographical databases.