Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure the Gross Anatomy Preparedness of Medical Graduates Desarrollo y Validación de una Escala para Medir la Preparación Anatómica General de los Graduados Médicos





Journal title

International Journal of Morphology


Vol. 5 No. 38


Sara Saleh Abd alsalam Elmegarhi


1179 - 1183


Development and validation of a scale to measure the gross anatomy preparedness of medical graduates. Int. J. Morphol., 38(5):1179-1183, 2020. SUMMARY: Postgraduate refresher courses may address deficiencies in the gross anatomy preparedness of medical graduates. However, the literature does not offer a method to identify such deficiencies. Our aim is to develop and validate a scale to measure the gross anatomy preparedness of medical graduates. First, we defined gross anatomy preparedness (the construct) as "the benchmark of personal ability in gross anatomy against the standard required for clinical practice." Next, we conducted a literature search for extant items related to our definition. To develop our scale, we grouped the items under three headings: proficiency, preference, and pertinence. Finally, we constructed item-specific response anchors to "Likertize" the items. We recruited experts to validate the content and conducted cognitive interviews to validate the response process. To evaluate the internal structure and reliability of the scale, we invited a purposive sample of 120 surgery residents to complete the scale and explored the results of the pilot test using data reduction and reliability analysis. A total of 77 surgery residents completed the scale. Varimax-rotated principal components analysis revealed three components with eigenvalues greater than one, and the components explained 64 % of the total variance. The rotated solution was consistent with the original structure of the questionnaire. The components, which represented the proficiency, preference, and pertinence item sets, explained 25 %, 23 %, and 16 %, respectively, of the total variance. Cronbach's α coefficients for the item sets were 0.72, 0.71, and 0.61, respectively. We developed and validated a scale to measure the gross anatomy preparedness of medical graduates. In addition, we offer conceptual guidelines to help users interpret the results of the scale. Outcome data are required to substantiate the predictive validity of the scale.