Output waveforms of Blumlein-line Nitrogen Laser Circuit Based on the Distributed Parameter Model: Theoretical and Experimental Results




Conference paper

Conference title


Mohamed Otman Twati


Abstract— In this paper, the analysis of a double Blumlein-line circuit that forms the oscillator – amplifier nitrogen laser system with one spark gap and based on a full-distributed parameter model is presented. The voltage, current and power waveforms outputs of the model are reported. The effect of the transmission line lengths, laser gap and spark gap parameters of the laser system on the output waveforms are studied and discussed. The simulation results presented here indicated that this analysis could be very useful and relatively more accurate than other models and techniques used for synchronization of the laser pulses between the laser oscillator and laser amplifier circuits. In addition this analysis is general and could be easily applied to study other laser systems such as metal vapour and carbon dioxide laser systems.

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