لمحة عن الحركة التشكيلية المعاصرة في ليبيا " الواقعية أنموذجا"

تاريخ النشر


نوع المقالة

مقال في مجلة علمية

عنوان المجلة


سعاد بشير الخراز


The artistic experience in Libya witnessed an attachment to realism and worked with it in the eighties of the last century, and there emerged currents that seek to express reality. This period played a prominent role in emphasizing the artistic concepts related to the visual reality, which became comprehensive for the coming out of a large number of plastic artists, and artistic formulas returned to take the lead, and presented patterns of realistic artistic expression contrasting between documentarism and impressionism,   Amongst the methods that give formulation all its importance, even the experiences that insist on the human, social and political content, which use symbols to express their goals and have supplemented the artistic movement with numbers of artists studying abroad, who are affected by realism in its various patterns. Perhaps the call to write about realism in Libya is an attempt to document the creators in our country.