Evaluating the prevelance of awareness of woman among postpartum depressions in Tripoli Libya




Final Year Project

Project title

جامعة طرابلس


Ahmed mesawi


Abstract Postpartum depression is a psychological condition that affects women after childbirth, affecting their mental and physical health. This type of depression is a common phenomenon but is often neglected in different societies due to lack of awareness and social stigma associated with mental illness. The main objectives is to assess the extent to which women in Tripoli are aware of postpartum depression .and evaluate the prevalence of postpartum depression among women in Tripoli. The study included a sample of women who gave birth recently in Tripoli city. Questionnaires were used with questions about postpartum depression awareness, its symptoms, and available treatment methods. Data was collected through face-to-face interviews and electronic questionnaires. The study showed that a large percentage of women in Tripoli have limited knowledge about postpartum depression, as most of them are unaware of the symptoms and psychological repercussions associated with it. The study found that the rate of postpartum depression among women in Tripoli is about 20-25%.This percentage is relatively high compared to other rates in different regions, indicating the urgent need to improve mental health services. The need to implement comprehensive awareness campaigns on postpartum depression, including accurate information about symptoms and treatment .Improving mental health services: Strengthening mental health services in health centers, and providing psychological support programs for new mothers. Training medical staff to detect and treat postpartum depression effectively.