دور المالك نحو تحقيق إستدامة المباني في ليبيا

تاريخ النشر


نوع المقالة

مقال في مجلة علمية

عنوان المجلة


عبدالباسط محمد الفيتوري


There is no doubt that sustainable buildings create a revolution in architecture thoughts and become a target future for architecture because of its environmentally friendly characteristics and it offer a comfortable environment for users, and highly efficient in use of recourses. In this matter, developed countries went farther in applying the notion of green buildings and also, some developing and Arabic countries in particular seek to adopt sustainability. The owner considers an important part in taking decisions concerning design and implementation of any project, because of financial responsibility and his requirements are a vital design constrains. Libya’s rank of sustainability is quite low, that possibly because of the shortcoming of the role of owner towards implementation of sustainably during design phase. This research aims to evaluate owner’s characteristics in respect of sustainability in buildings in Libya. Research methodology includes a descriptive analysis of owner characteristics during design phase. Variables of owner’s characteristics were identified through literature review, questionnaire and interviews with owner representatives and design team. Although, results clarified that level of management of design processes was average, while other owner’s variables concerning sustainability such as knowledge, experience, and commitment was below average. Finally, this study developed a number of recommendations for enhancing owner’s characteristics towards achieving a sustainable buildings design in Libya.