Eco-design and mechanical strength analyses of a brake pad





Journal title

المجلة الدولية المحكمة للعلوم الهندسية وتقنية المعلومات


Vol. 0 No. 2


Abdulbaset Alemam
Khaled Ahmida
Mohammed Benhusien


Brake pads are a crucial component of any vehicle's braking system. It is important to consider both eco-design and mechanical strength analyses when developing brake pad materials to ensure they are environmental-friendly and safe to use. When developing brake pad material, it must satisfy certain criteria, among which are supporting high temperature, pressure, tensile stresses, decreased wear rate, and in addition to that its environmental sustainability by using eco-friendly materials. Four types of brake pad materials are analyzed. The eco-design analysis revealed that one material was the most environmentally friendly compared to the others. From a mechanical strength perspective, one material with better performance was selected. By combining the two analyses, one material was identified that meets both environmental and mechanical requirements. These findings can be used to guide future research and development in brake pad design, with the goal of reducing the environmental impact and improving the safety of brake pads for all users.

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