A Hydrogeochemical Study of Ground Water in the Region Ghadames, Darj, Sinawin Northwest Libya





Journal title

المجلة الليبية للعلوم الزراعية


Vol. 2 No. 24


Naima K. Elgariani
Hanan S. Farag


1 - 14


This study presents a hydro geochemistry study of groundwater samples from water wells penetrates Kiklah aquifer as a whole in the area between Ghadames, Darj and Sinawin. The aim of this study is to determinethe quality of water and its optimal future planning for the use of water resources in this region.The water quality of the 15 wells was evaluated using the Sulin classification, it was found that most of the water samples were of Meteoric origin, quality of the water (Na2SO4 ), and the rest of the samples were of marine origin in semi- closed aquifer and the water type (MgCl2 ). It has also been shown that most of the water wells samples in the study area are not suitable for drinking due to the high concentrations of dissolved salts and the total salinity when compared with the international standards (WHO, 1995). In addition, groundwater quality was classified according to the Kurolov -Formula Equation, it was found that most of the water is NaCl type water, in which sodium and calcium sulphate are the predominant chemicals. The predominant chemical type of water is Chloride (73%) and (27%), it was a kind of Sulphate. In addition, validity of groundwater for irrigation and agriculture was assessed using both the Wilcox and Richard classification. Most wells were found to be weak for agricultural use except wells (1,2,3,4,5,9,10,14) by Richard classification However, Wilcox classification proved that most wells are unsuitable for agricultural use except wells (1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10). Keywords: Hydrogeocheimstry, Sulin Classification, Kurolov–Formula, Wilcox Classification, Ritchard, Ghadames, Darj, Sinawin.