The Effect of Miswak and Fluoride Toothpastes on Dental Plaque, A Comparative Clinical and Microbiological Study




Master Thesis

Thesis title


wafa khalifa mohmmed talha


This study was designed to Compare the effect of miswak and fluoride toothpastes on the count of S. Mutans and lactobacilli in dental plaque also compare the effect of both types of toothpastes on plaque and saliva pH. Forty children of both sexes attending the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University were included in this study. Informed consent from the parents was obtained before inclusion of children in the study. Selected children fulfilled the following criteria: 1. Ranging in age from 7-9years. 2. Permanent first molars and upper central incisors erupted. 3. Apparently healthy with no history of systemic diseases. 4. None of them were under antimicrobial agents since 1month of sampling. 5. Number of carious primary teeth ranging between 4&8 and no caries in the permanent dentition. The patients were randomly divided into two groups, twenty patients in each group. Group I, fluoridated toothpaste (1450ppm). Group II, miswak toothpaste. All patients received a toothpaste tube and pediatric-sized toothbrush, and were instructed to brush their teeth two times a day in the morning and before going to sleep. Samples were obtained twice (at base line and after 2weeks), one for microbial study of plaque which were placed in the screw capped vial containing 1ml of BHI. Other for plaque pH study which were placed in container containing 10 ml normal saline. Saliva samples were also collected from the children by expectorating in plastic containers for determination of salivary pH. The antimicrobial effect of both miswak and fluoride toothpaste used in this study was determined using bacterial count. Two types of media were used for this purpose, MSBA for S.mutans (SM), And tomato juice agar (ROGOSA AGAR) for Lactobacillus (LB). A portable pH meter (HI 8424 Portable pH/mV/Temperature Meter) was used for pH measurements. The results of this study revealed the following: No statistically significant difference was noted between gender distribution or mean age of the study groups. As regards fluoride group, there was no statistically significant increase in the mean pH after treatment. While miswak group, showed a statistically significant increase in mean pH after treatment. No statistically significant difference was noted between both groups as regards percent change. Although the mean saliva pH values of both groups increased slightly yet it was statistically not significant. As regards the percent change, no statistically significant difference was noted between both groups. As regards fluoride group, there was a statistically significant reduction in mean log10 values of S. mutans CFU count after treatment. While miswak group, showed no statistically significant reduction in mean log10 values of S. mutans CFU count after treatment. As regards the percent change, no statistically significant difference was noted between both groups. Both fluoride and miswak group, showed a statistically significant reduction in mean log10 values of Lactobacilli CFU count after treatment. As regards the percent change, no statistically significant difference was noted between both groups. There was no statistically significant correlation between different variables except there was a statistically significant positive (direct) correlation between S. mutans count and Lactobacilli count before treatment and between age and S. mutans count after treatment.