Implementation of a semi-empirical model for controlling radiation sterilization processes




Conference paper

Conference title

الملتقى المغاربي الأول للمؤتمر الدولي لعلوم وتقنيات التحكم الآلي وهندسة الحاسوب IEEE




The authors of this report, in their previous work, based on fundamental assumptions, developed an improved semi-empirical model (ISE-model) of the depthdose (DD) distribution in the layer for the case of an arbitrary angle of incidence of the electron beam. In this report presents the stages of determining the optimal electron beam parameters for two-sided radiation sterilization processes, which are calculated on the basis of an ISE-model. An algorithm has been developed for calculating the parameter of an ISE-model, which is carried out based on a comparison of data obtained by the Monte Carlo method in a detailed physical model and using an ISE-model. Software has been created to control optimal two-sided irradiation modes and determine errors in planning these modes using ISE-model of the sterilization process. Methods are given for taking into account the electrons spectrum when calculating the optimal angles of incidence of the beam on the surface of the product and assessing the uncertainty of realizing the maximum efficiency of the yield of the irradiated product.