Effects of cold pretreatment, carbohydrate source and gelling agents on somatic embryogenesis from anthers of Vitis vinifera L. cvs. 'Regina and 8Reichensteiner'




Conference paper

Conference title

International Society for Horticultural Science


Vol. 1 No. 440


Zuher M. Bensaad
Michael Hennerty
Tim D, Roche


504 - 509


The effects of cold pretreatment of inflorescences (1, 2, or 3 weeks at 4°C), different carbon sources (sucrose, glucose, maltose, galactose and mannitol) and two gelling agents (agar at 0.7% and Gelrite at 0.25%) were investigated for their effects on callus formation and somatic embryogenesis in anther tissues of Vitis vinifera L., cvs. Regina and Reichensteiner. In cv. Regina, cold pretreatment for 2 weeks promoted development of more embryogenic explants, improved embryogenic efficiency and increased the number of germinated somatic embryos compared with 1, or 3 weeks cold pretreatment. Sucrose produced the highest callus formation followed by sucrose + mannitol, glucose and maltose. Mannitol did not support callus formation. Somatic embryogenesis occurred on the sucrose-and glucose-supplemented media. In cv. Reichensteiner, carbon source also significantly affected callus formation and somatic embryogenesis, which again occurred on sucrose- and glucose-supplemented media, However, embryogenic efficiency and embryo germination were higher among embryos cultured on glucose medium than on sucrose medium. The type of gelling agent did not have a significant impact on callus formation in cv. Reichensteiner during 4 weeks of culture in the dark. Anthers cultured on agar, or Gelrite produced somatic embryos with a similar embryogenic efficiency. In all of these experiments, normal and abnormal somatic embryos were obtained.



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