Antimicrobial susceptibility to some therapeutic agent used to treat uterine infection in cows





Journal title

Journal of Animal and Poultry Sciences


Vol. 1 No. 7


Hoda Ramadhan Shnaishah


1854 - 1860


The aim of this study was to determine the in-vitro susceptibility of microorganisms isolated from infected cow`s uteri, in association with the characters of the uterine discharges. Nine cows with pathological discharges were clinically diagnosed per rectum and vaginum. Swabs from the uterine lumen were aseptically collected for Bacteriological examination according to commonly accepted procedures. Susceptibility to 10 different antibiotics (used routinely by the veterinarians to treat uterine infections) was tested by the disk diffusion method and performed in Mueller–Hinton agar medium and covered evenly with the bacterial suspension. Characters of the discharges were scored from 0-3. The cultures were most susceptible to Gentamycin followed by Cephalexin. Kanamycin was found to be as a third choice followed by Amoxicillin, Neomycin and Sulphamethazole. Tetracycline was less effective in comparison to the above mentioned antibiotics, Streptomycin and Penicillin were found to be the least effective, with resistant results in 11.1% and 22.2% of the samples, respectively. These are followed by the antibiotic Cloxacillin had clear resistance in 55.5% of the Samples. Scores for the characters of the discharges were found between grades 2 and 3 in eight cows (88.8%) while the ninth cow had score one type discharge.



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