Epidemiology of End Stage Kidney disease in Gharyan




Conference paper

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Najat Bashir Alaswad


Epidemiology of End Stage Kidney Disease in Gharyan Prevalence, aetiology and risk factor Najat Alaswad 1, Nouriyah A Abdulla 2, Ghada M Madi 3, Esra A A Karim 4, Omar A Bashir Al-Bosifi5 End Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD), is the final stage of chronic kidney disease (CKD). It is highly prevalent globally, and become a major health problem with high economic cost to health care system. The number of patients treated for terminal kidney failure worldwide has continued to grow at a rate that is far in excess of the growth rate of the General Population. Haemodialysis (HD) still represent the main mode of treatment for ESKD patients in Libya. There are no study on the epidemiology of ESKD patients on haemodialysis in Gharyan (Western Amounted Area), libya. Hence, the aim of this study is to assess the prevalence, aetiology and risk factors for ESKD on HD at Gharyan City and the surrounding area during the year of 2017.This is a descriptive retrospective study, by reviewing the files of all patients attending the haemodialysis unit at Gharyan Teaching Hospital from January 2017 to December of the same year. The total number of patients undergoing haemodialysis unit during this year was 133, their mean age was 47.95±15.27. The male constitute 62.4% while the female patients were 37.5% with male to female ratio 1.66:1. The estimated prevalence of ESKD was 53.2 per 100.000 population .The most common cause of ESKD were hypertension in30.8% and diabetes mellitus in 24% of patient studied. Then followed in order by, undetermined causes in 15.7,then comes other less common causes like polycystic kidney, obstructive nephropathy and Glomerulonephritis with a percentage of 6.7% in each cause ,then comes drug nephrotoxicity and gout also reported in this study with a least causes. Hypertension and Diabetes were reported as the most common leading cause of ESKD in Gharyan Teaching Hospital, Dialysis Unit. This indicate that we need to increase the awareness of General Practitioners that, Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus are the commonest cause of Chronic Kidney Disease amongst the population in our area and this might give the opportunity for Preventive Strategies Schemes to delay the onset of ESKD and improve our health care system. Key words: ESKD (ESRD) End Stage Kidney Disease, HD (Haemodialysis) prevalence, risk factor, Gharyan. 1,2,4,5 Medical Department , Gharian Central Teaching Hospital, Gharian, Libya 3 Pathology Department,Gharian Medical Faculty, Gharian, Libya. Correspondance to Dr Najat Alaswad, email