The aerial distribution of Wadi Dukhan Formation throughout Al Jabal al Akhdar has been remapped with particular attention to the Al Uwayliah area. The tectonic frame work of the Jardas al Abid–Uwayliah region seems to be the main controlling factor for their limited outcrops. The concerned exposed section (along Wadi Stata) is subdivided into four lithological units based on petrographical, geochemical and paleontological data, these are from bottom to top; reefoidal calcitic dolostone, coarsely crystalline dolostone, breeciate dolostone and finely crystalline dolostone. Two diagenetic stages of dolomitization were recognized (earlyandlate). The previous dating of thisformation is also reviewed. Rudistid buildup is reported at the basal part of the Wadi Dukhan at the Wadi Stata ection (reefoidal calcitic dolostone), the presence of Hippurites confirms the Maastrichtian age of this Formation. Wadi Dukhan dolostones were deposited on a carbonate platform with reefal affinity.