Implementation of LED Based Spectrophotometer using SoC_FPGA




Conference paper

Conference title

2021 IEEE 1st International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering MI-STA


Nada A. Alhamdi
Mohaned J. Aboudiah


In this paper, a medical diagnostic solution for a patient is implemented to measure a Glucose level in the blood using low cost LED Spectrophotometer rather than a commercial one that used in laboratory. This can be done by calculating the concentration of biochemical components within some solutions in cuvettes placed at eight different positions which is achieved by measuring the absorption of monochromatic light passing through the sample in the cuvettes. By using eight LEDs of different wave lengths as light source and eight phototransistors as light detectors, the delivered analog signals from the phototransistors which represents the absorbance of light in the cuvettes are converted into digital values using one of the eight Analog to Digital Converter channels. The digital values are then used to calculate the concentration of the component in the corresponding cuvette. Beside some external components, resources on Terasic VEEK-MT2 Board are used to implement this design which is mainly based on FPGA logics and modules in the Intel System-on-Chip (SoC) FPGA Cyclone® V SE 5CSXFC6D6F31C6N device to generate needed control signals. The seven segments placed on the board are then used to display the resulted values in hexdecimal, finally the LCD touch panel is used for displaying the results