The Effects of Non-pharmacological Intervention in the management of Essential blood pressure.





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Although current European and American hypertension guidelines recommend to treat high blood pressure using pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions, it is unusual to use such treatment in Libyan society. This paper study the impact of the change in lifestyle of 229 patients with essential blood pressure who are receiving medication at a follow up clinic in Central Tripoli Hospital. The study was based on a questionnaire that included sociodemographic characteristics about the patient, physical activity and medication used to regulate blood pressure during the last four months preceding the questionnaire. Based on the blood pressure level, patients were classified in two groups, a controlled group that did not exceed the internationally recommended level of 140/90 and another group that exceeded this level (uncontrolled group). According to the results, the risk of hypertension were higher among elder people, men are slightly more affected by the disease, the job stress may increases the blood pressure, smoking is a major cause of uncontrolled blood pressure. On the other hand, following a patient's diet, moderate BMI of the patient, physical activity, regardless of where and when it is practiced, has a very positive effect on controlling high pressure. The paper, based on the results of the questionnaire, presents that patients with essential hypertension, can reduce their blood pressure by changing their normal lifestyle through improving quality of nutrition and performing physical activity in addition to continuing traditional conventional drug therapy.