Assessment and Development of CO2 Minimum Miscibility Pressure correlations for the candidates Libyan Oil Reservoirs





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Mustafa Abdulmajed Anwily


Prediction of minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) is one of the most important parameters to achieve the maximum displacement sweep efficiency using injection gas and it has received great attention from engineers, scientists and specialists working in the field of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). The most effective method to determine MMP is laboratory measurement using slim tube test, but disadvantages of this method are consuming time and cost. The other method to determine MMP is an empirical correlation, the parameters that used in correlations are different from correlation to another and most of them related to reservoir temperature and fluid composition, but the other parameters such as PVT properties influence estimation of MMP. The main objectives of this study to apply the published empirical correlation that used to estimate the MMP on different Libyan crude oil that in range 34 to 39 API. Also, the critical objective in our study was to develop a new simple correlation by study the effect of PVT properties in estimation of MMP that can be used to predict the MMP with high accuracy for Libyan crude oils. Minitab regression tool was extensively used in our study and a wide range of new constructed correlations by adding the effect the fluid properties as oil formation volume factor. Sensitivity analysis to study the effect of fluid properties on estimation of MMP by study several cases that related to PVT properties and detect the effect by statistical analysis in each case. The proposed correlation is mainly function of the API, Pb, Pe, µo, Rs, Bo and ρo and has an exactable degree of accuracy (AARE =0.65%, R2 =1.00, SD=539.16 and S=34) and has shown best performance as compared with other published correlations.

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