Steam Quality Advance Evaluation




Conference paper

Conference title

World A cademy of Science, Engineering, and Technology, WASET


Vol. 17 No. 1


Omar Hussein El Ayadi


2 - 60


Resistivity is important and useful tool used in the oil sector to differentiate between liquids (water and oil). Moreover, to specify the content of each liquid. The main purpose of this study is to generate steam from different sources ie. sea and reservoir water also. investigate steam quality with resistivity as indicator. Several reservoir water collected from the fields (Entesar, Mesla, Abutiffil) were used with distilled water saturated with different salt (Nacl, Cac12, and Kcl) vary from 0 to 20 gm/1000cc water the resistivity were obtain after several stages of steaming at atmospheric pressure and 36co temperature. However, many relationships and correlations were obtained i.e. resistivity, salt content, concentration, density, resistivity in/out of the boiler and resistivity of distilled water/resistivity of salted water with (Nacl, Cacl2, Kcl) as a function of steam quality estimated using volume and weight method of calculation. The summary of the conclusion maybe stated as, resistivity is vary feature used to indicate steam quality for low salt concentration. How ever, density will indicate better in waters with high salt content. The ratio between feed in/out of the steamer is not constant, it is vary, depend on salt content and type. Nevertheless the resistivity ratio between salted water is not constant but changes with the percentage of salt content in the solution it is recommended to make farther study to simulate the reservoirs (high temperature and pressure) and hence to investigate the mobility of liquids on resistivity.

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