Gender and acoustic variation : cases of vowels in Arabic Libyan of Tripoli




Conference paper

Conference title


Mohamed Embarki


This present study is interested in the articulatory difference and the social construction of this difference in Libyan Arabic of Tripoli between men and women. The data used is a list of words in Libyan Arabic of Tripoli containing consonants with strong distinctive values from a social point of view between men and women. These are pharyngealized consonants / s ˁ, t ˁ, ˁ d / and the corresponding non-pharyngealized consonants / s, t, d /. Gender differences will be illustrated here through the frequency values ​​of the first three formants [F1, F2, F3] of the vowels / i, u, a / which are in contact with the pharyngealized consonants and non-pharyngealized consonants. Based on the above mentioned facts, we formulate our hypothesis as follows: 1. The variation of mean values of F1 and F2 of [i, u, a] depends on the consonantal context, notably pharyngealized and non-pharyngealized 2- The gender difference (male vs female) has a direct impact on how to make the syllable (CV) C= Consonant V= Vowel. 3- The slope of the equation will be a distinctive sign between genders

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