بعض مصادر الضغوط النفسية وعلاقتها بتحقيق الذات لدى معلمي ومعلمات التربية البدنية بشعبية طرابلس

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كلية التربية البدنية - جامغة طرابلس


عمر مسعود خليفة المرابط


يعتبر الضغط ظاهرة تواجه أصحاب المهن والعاملين في العديد من المجالات ومن بينها مهنة التربية البدنية وخاصة في مجال التعليم .ولعلنا نجد أن العبء المهني لمعلم التربية البدنية يحمله بالعديد من الضغوط مما يؤثر على أداء المعلم لمهنته وأسلوب حياته فيظهر على المعلم العديد من المؤثرات النفسية والتي تنعكس على قيامه بواجباته المهنية على الوجه الأكمل. وتحدث له المعاناة نتيجة عجزه عن التكيف مع المتغيرات البيئية ، فالضغط هنا نتاج للصراع بين متطلبات المهنة مع عدم القدرة على الوفاء بها مما يترتب عليه إنخفاضاً في حجم العمل، وقد يشعر المعلم أحياناً بعدم قدرته على التقدم وعدم القيمة فيتحول ذلك إلى عدم الرضا عن المهنة وقد تظهر عليه بعض الأعراض البدنية والنفسية والانفعالية والقلق ، ولعلنا نجد أن الذين يشعرون بالضغط الشديد ربما يصلوا إلى درجة اللامبالاة بمتطلبات العمل، مع سرعة الغضب أو الإحساس باليأس، مع انخفاض في مستوى الطاقة على العمل وتحمل أعباؤه كذلك صعوبة التركيز، كما يتصفون بالتمركز حول الذات وقد يصلوا إلى عدم القدرة على القيام بالعمل .ويمكن القول بأن لكل فرد قيود على التوافق في ضوء إمكانية ومخزون عمليات التحمل لديه، فإن تجاوز الضغط الحد الأعلى لتلك الإمكانيات فينبغي البحث عن تلك الضغوط المؤثرة حتى يمكن الحد منها .ومن ناحية أخرى نجد أن هناك بعض الأفراد ذوي قدرة على التحكم في الضغوط والأعباء ويمكنهم مواجهتها دون يأس أو اكتئاب، تلك الفئة قادرة على التعامل مع الضغوط ولديها القدرة على تبسيط كل ما هو صعب وتحتفظ بقدر من روح المرح وبإمكانها تجديد طاقاتهما باحثة عن مصادر الحياة السهلة السعيدة وفقاً لظاهرة الفروق الفردية بين الأفراد ، إن لفظ كلمة ضغط من الكلمات الشائعة والمألوفة في عصرنا الحاضر نظراً لما يتعرض له الفرد من ضغوط الحياة والأعمال اليومية التي قد تؤثر عليه بصورة ملحوظة سواء داخلياً أو خارجياً أو في معاملاته مع الآخرين وكذلك سلوكه اليومي ، فقد يتعرض العاملون في المهن والأعمال المختلفة لدرجات متباينة من الضغوط النفسية المتعلقة بالعمل وسيشعرون بأن جهودهم في العمل غير فعالة ولا تلقي تقديراً أو إثابة وقد أوضحت بعض الدراسات أنه لا توجد علاقة واضحة بين مهنة معينة أو وضع مهني معين وبين الاضطرابات الناجحة عن الضغوط المرتبطة بتلك المهنة أو بذلك الوضع المهني ، أن الضغوط النفسية ظاهرة من ظواهر الحياة الإنسانية يخبرها الإنسان في موافق وأوقات مختلفة وهذه الظاهرة شأنها شأن معظم الظواهر النفسية مثل القلق والصراع والإحباط والعدوان وغيرها وليس بالضرورة أن تكون الضغوط النفسية سلبية فالقليل منها يمثل دافعاً للإنسان نحو الإنجاز، وبالتالي فإن الهروب منها يعني نقص فعاليات الفرد وقصور كفاءته ومن ثم الإخفاق في الحياة ،إن مهنة التعليم من بين المهن الضاغطة والتي يواجه المدرس أنواعاً من الضغوط المرتبطة بعوامل متعددة ومتشابكة.


TalaaT Mansour and Fewla El-Salawy (1998) said, “The word pressure is one of the widespread vocabularies and familiar in our current age with regard to life and daily works pressures that the individual exposed to, and may affect him in tangible manner if internal or external, or in his dealing with others, and also his daily conduct. The employees of different professions and works may face different degrees of psychical pressures relate to work and they shall feel that their efforts in work are not effective and they aren't respected and rewarded as some of researches clarified that there is no clear relationship between particular profession or specified vocational situation, and the psychopathy resulted by pressures connected with that profession or the vocational situation". Mahmoud Osman referred (1995) indicated that pressures happen when the individual knows that his current efforts do not fit the task of target carrying out hence the pressure is psychically informed by the degree of nervous system activation (36: 698). Mohamed Essayed (1994) said, "The psychic pressures are phenomenon of human life phenomenon that human knows them in different situations and times, and this phenomenon is like most of psychical phenomenons like worry, conflict, frustration, and aggression and otherwise, and it is not necessary that psychical pressures are to be negative, because minimum of them be a support for human towards the carrying out, consequently getaway from them means lack of human activities and lack of his qualification hence frailer in life". Mohamed Allawy (1998) said, "The education profession is one of the pressing professions, and the teacher faces kinds of pressures that relating to numerous and interlaced factors, that it may seems that the profession of teaching the study of physical education at schools specially in some countries which do not clearly take care of scholar sport is deemed the most important out of the teaching professions groups which facing these pressures and consequently lead to stress and then exhaustion which considered the principal crossing to the vocational spontaneous combustion (29: 70) " . Adel Al-Ashal (1993), said, "Pressures are consisting in exciting has a possible ability to generate the opposition response or getaway in specified person, as human usually in his daily life exposed to numerous kinds of pressures resources, some of them are biology and the other are philosophical psychical or social. (15: 18)". Ibrahim Yagoub (1992), said, "The advancement of physical education at any country depend firstly and finally on scientific planning which uses all of sciences and acknowledges with complete consciousness for establishment of sport construction evaluators and the progress thereof on strong hard principals and the most important of these sciences is the sport psychology (1: 45). ".Mohamed Allaway (2002), said, "The ego concept is the person's concept about himself or his beliefs about him self or, his self or ego image, or his imagination of himself, or description of his ego, and by other phrase, or other meaning is the total of thoughts and feelings and understanding and beliefs of the individual about himself as a person. (31: 35)". Hamid Zahran (1980), said, "The ego concept is consisting in being pursued by heredity, geography and finance, social, and behavioral environment, as he is consisting by the other important in the individual life like parents, husband, children, and colleagues, and also consisting in maturity and education and principal needs like love, ego firmness, and morality, as also the individual always seeking to ascertaining and realize his ego. (9: 83)". Bashier Ali Eddeib (2004), The ego is the most important of the character components and they are the only thing that consists the individual's privacy, and perhaps that the sole creature which can understand its ego is human, whereas he makes from the ego an optic of his thinking and his formation but it seems that it is difficult development of "ego consciousness" without providing social consciousness, as any individual who can not know himself unless throughout consciousness of reactions of the others towards his acts and behaviors as person who have an affect on individual's life can help him to form a an acceptable image of his ego. (3:22). Abraham Morrison (1979), said, "Scientifics of psychology follow to the item of the ego concept that it is concept of comprehensive assumption including all individual thoughts and feelings which deemed about his body, brain, and character properties, and that includes his beliefs and values as it represents his experiences and his future aspirations". (29: 45). Forest (1973), said, " The ego concept plays an important role in the sport field whereas that the individual's thought about himself affects his performance and that reflect behavioral on the all and affect his reaction towards the others and his conducts therewith and his desire in competition and his obtaining, success, responses, and the level of ambition and he exploits his efforts to realize what he seeks for as his self confidence increases whereas the person's concept of his ego reflects on his all behaviorisms and affects his reactions towards the others and his desire in competition , his obtaining and non of his success and his responses of challenges and level of his ambition". (25:46). Harris (1973), referred to that the nature of the sport field helps increase the definition of ego concept throughout the attitudes of superiority and the good skill performance that the individual's perception differ in a sport attitude from another one as feeling of success leads to more positive concept of ego, while the practice of individual a negative experience may leads to negative concept and struggling with ego and conflict in experiences that results what is called non-contentment. (47:100).