توصيف البرامج الأكاديمية كمقاربة لتحسين وتطوير المخرجات التعليمية في الجامعات الليبية قسم علم الاجتماع – كلية الآداب - جامعة طرابلس أنموذجاً

تاريخ النشر


نوع المقالة

مقال في مجلة علمية

عنوان المجلة

مجلة كلية الآداب - جامعة مصراتة


Vol. 3 No. 0


أ.د. حسين سالم مرجين


1 - 20


This paper seeks to put forth an approach related to concepts and quality assurance, and the importance of building and application of academic programs description as an active system to improve educational outcomes, in order to ensure the consolidation of confidence in those academic programs, in addition to align them with the needs of the labour market and plans Centre, the paper indicated that the idea of Academic program description for the Sociology Department – Faculty of Arts – University of Tripoli came upon a proposal by the Finder to the head of the Department includes the importance of enhancing and developing the educational process in the Department, taking into account the relevant criteria, in particular the programme description form Academician of the National Center for quality assurance, Scientific paper also addressed a number of obstacles and challenges faced by academic programs description building process, where the researcher explained that he could not understand the obstacles and challenges far from convinced Libyan universities officials the importance and quality assurance in the educational process, the paper provided New map related scientific importance of Academic program description at Libyan universities, including the need to establish a national team of experts in quality and guaranteed, is working on the review and development of the academic programme description form, as well as this team also published a culture program description Libyan universities and academic work on the culture of stimulation and appreciation within the Libyan universities arabic 260 English 0