دراسة تأثير إضافة مصدر من الكربون العضوي ( نشارة خشب) علي معدنة النيتروجين في التربة

تاريخ النشر


نوع المقالة

رسالة ماجستير

عنوان الرسالة

كلية الزراعة طرابلس - جامغة طرابلس


محمد الطاهر الفيتوري سالم



Laboratory experiment are conducted in the summer years (2010) to study the impact of adding a source of organic carbon (sawdust) on inorganic nitrogen in the soil Mixing (500 grams) soil texture sandy silt with rates by addition of compost poultry rates (0 - 15-30-60 ton/ ha), as well as the rates of carbon source sawdust (0.5-1%), where then mixed well with each other in order to become homogeneous, and placed in the pot and repeated three times each addition , just as the number of experimental units each experiment (180 experimental units), and incubated at room temperature while maintaining the moisture at field capacity gravimetric way through the different incubation periods, which is set in weeks (0-2-4-8-16 week) by using statistical decomposition split plot twice ( split-split-plot design) and determing the differences moral between averages using Duncan to isolate averages at the level of moral (5%) and analyze the results using a table (ANOVA), and then estimate the degree of interaction of soil (pH) and organic matter and nitrogen mineral and total ratio of carbon to nitrogen (C/N Ratio) during different incubation periods, The results showed fluctuations in the degree of interaction through different incubation periods were (pH) the highest value for (8.4pH) at the time of incubation (4-8 weeks) and the lowest value (7.8pH) at the time of incubation (16 weeks), the organic matter Tests showed an increase in organic matter with increased rates of adding compost and sawdust at the beginning of the period of incubation and decreases organic matter gradually with increasing duration of incubation (16 weeks) As a result of decomposition of organic matter by micro-organisms, while nitrogen mineral available results show an increased nitrogen available at the beginning of the period of incubation with increased rates of added fertilizer and organic sawdust With increasing time incubation fluctuation in the amount of nitrogen available Result of the succession of microbial occur collections and increasing the proportion of (C/N),The Results show in the amount of total nitrogen per transaction At the beginning of the period of incubation and after two weeks of incubation Results show increasing the amount of total nitrogen at a rate (60 ton / ha) and over a period of incubation at (16 weeks) results showed a decrease in the value of total nitrogen when treatment (60 ton / ha) and average (0.5%) sawdust, either carbon to nitrogen (C/N Ratio) Tests showed that the high proportion of carbon to nitrogen, with the rate Add compost and the proportion of sawdust at the beginning of the period of incubation with the passage of time and increase the period of incubation results show low (C/N Ratio) for each transaction with time as a result of mineral nitrogen liberate when the incubation period (4 weeks) and an increase of the period of incubation results show an increase ratio (C/N Ratio) for each transaction.