تأثير برنامج تدريبي مقترح لتحسين صفة التوافق و بعض-المتغيرات الفسيولوجية في جري المسافات المتوسطة لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة ( الصم وضعاف السمع)

تاريخ النشر


نوع المقالة

رسالة ماجستير

عنوان الرسالة

كلية التربية البدنية - جامغة طرابلس


ناجي ميلاد محمد السلامي


- To identify the impact of the proposed training program to improve the status of compatibility when run middle distance for the sound of the special needs "deaf and hard of hearing." -To identify the impact of the proposed training program to improve some physiological variables and time 800-meter race happened to the sound of the special needs "deaf and hard of hearing." Where the study resulted in: The training program used with the experimental sample has improved the status of compliance and some of the variables physiological under study (such as pulse, blood pressure, systolic and diastolic, capacity vital to the lungs), and that the proposed training program led to improved digit level in the 800-meter run to the members the experimental sample.