The Role of Motivation Among Ranking Police Officers in Learning English in Tripoli from their point views

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كلية اللغات - جامغة طرابلس


محمد عمر علي عاشور


" من خلال تجربته كأستاذ للغة الانجليزية بالإدارة العامة للتدريب والنادي الاجتماعي لاحظ الباحث إن معظم ضباط الشرطة لديهم الحافز(الدافع) القوي لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية وذلك كلا حسب مكان وطبيعة عملة وامكانياتة. ومن خلال تواجد الباحث تمكن من معرفة بعض المعوقات التي تكون محبطة لحافز التعلم اللغوي لديهم. لذلك تقرر البحث في هذه المشكلة وتقديم بعض المقترحات التي تساعد علي رفع مستوي الحافز لدي ضباط الشرطة لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية. قام الباحث أولا بجمع المعلومات من خلال إجراء استبيان ومسح لبعض أراء كبار ضباط الشرطة في هذا الصدد. ويتضمن البحث أربعة فصول وهي كالأتي: الفصل الأول: يتناول عرضا شاملا لدور الحافز في تعليم اللغة الانجليزية لدي ضباط الشرطة. الفصل الثاني: دراسة عملية عن دور الحافز لدي ضباط الشرطة في تعلم اللغة الانجليزية. الفصل الثالث: يتناول هذا الفصل تحليلا لنتائج الدراسة العملية التي أجريت على ضباط الشرطة. الفصل الرابع: وينتهي بالنتائج والتوصيات التي توصل إليها.


: Some police officers in Libya are still not clear about the reasons why they need to learn English. Most of them have studied English for a long time, since preparatory school, and they are not aware of the benefits they gained through learning English. It is easy for them to follow teachers’ instructions without strong motivated self-learning. The phenomena of a few independent learning models may explain why police officers usually do not have a systematic way of learning English, or a clear goal for studying the language. However, the only concern they have is to pass the final English examination at the end of a given course. Learners’ motivation determines the degree of their efforts and personal participation in learning English. This thesis examines police officers’ motivation of learning English, looks at definitions of motivation, Gardner’s social-educational model, and addresses how to facilitate the efficient teaching. Researching Gardner’s theory on police officers’ motivation can help teachers to use classroom activities that can stimulate students’ interests in learning English better. This thesis includes four chapters: The first chapter: Background of the Study this chapter talks about Motivation and language learning. The role of motivation in success the language learning. Why ranking police officers are motivated to learn English? The second chapter: Literature Review; in this chapter I will define motivation and types of motivation. This chapter also reviews motivation theories, including Gardner’s social psychological approach and Gardner’s socio-educational model. The third chapter: In this chapter, I did an experimental study to measure motivation of ranking police officers in learning English in Tripoli and then analysis of data and findings. The fourth chapter: In this chapter, I have collected the results and Conclusion and also the recommendations of the research. The relevant motivation theories can help teachers to build a supportive learning environment, to initiate students’ interest, and to enhance their learning motivation. As far as police officers, they generally lack learning motivation and have lower proficiency; therefore it is necessary for teachers to use appropriate strategies to cultivate students’ motivation. "