أثر العمليات الإلكترونية على الأداء المالي لمصرف الجمهورية

تاريخ النشر


نوع المقالة

رسالة ماجستير

عنوان الرسالة

كلية الاقتصاد و العلوم السياسية - جامغة طرابلس


مصطفى مصباح سعيد إمسيلخ



Based upon the several benefits of electronic operations including speedy services which in its turn was reflected on financial performance of banks. Therefore, this study (Impact of electronic operations on financial performance of Jamhouria Bank) aims to detect the nature and type of relation between electronic operations and financial performance of Jamhouria Bank. Theoretically, the researcher has adopted the inductive method while in field study he has adopted the analytical descriptive method in studying the phenomena and in testing study assumption to obtain the results and recommendations.Through financial analyses of the study, I came to the conclusion that the bank is able to pay its debts and obligations especially short term debts. The bank is improving in the sense that cash profit revenues were increase, and the administration of circulated assets and cash debts was efficient. As for the questionnaire, the impact of electronic operations on financial performance of the bank as well as the existence of a coordinative relation between branch administrations of the bank via the unified system which was within the required level, in addition to the impact of media (rationalization) on the clients causing increase of withdrawals by cheques with less concentration on electronic operation. Use of electronic cards is limited on self withdrawals only without using the same in purchase and sell operations the matter which affects the financial performance of the bank. Since the researcher has recommended more concentration on electronic operations in rendering services to clients. Furthermore, to allocate a budget for electronic operations. Plus the efforts which should be concerted for increasing the awareness of the clients on how to use electronic cards by the media.Moreover automatic withdrawal machines must be increased to reduce crowding in front of windows, as well as more use of electronic cards in purchase and selling activities etc…, and not to be limited for automatic withdrawals only