تأثير بارامترات الليزر على آليات الامتصاص الخطي للطاقة في البلازما المنتجة باليزر

تاريخ النشر


نوع المقالة

رسالة ماجستير

عنوان الرسالة

كلية العلوم - جامغة طرابلس


عز الدين الهاشمي للاموج



The main objective of this research is studying the effect laser parameters on the linear energy absorption mechanism of laser produced plasma in under critical density zone as a result of high power laser incidence. The work is based on a model designed for CO2 laser which was improved in other studies to include different wavelength considering the type of the plasma material. The results have shown that the total absorbed laser energy per unit length increases with the increase of the laser power, the focal laser of the beam, the atomic number of the plasma material and the laser pulse duration, and decreases according to the increase of the wavelength of the laser light moreover there is an optimum angle in which the laser energy per length unit has its maximum magnitude.