التحليل المكاني لاستعمالات الأرض السكنية بمدينة الزاوية

تاريخ النشر


نوع المقالة

رسالة ماجستير

عنوان الرسالة

كلية الآداب - جامغة طرابلس


محمد أبو غرارة عريبي الرقيبي



: The uses of the housing land is the first & early trail of the reaction of the human with the natural environment & the control thereof، and the Urban Geography looks to the city as one of the housing forms، and housing use grows as a fatal and necessary response & a mirror reflecting the functions of the other city. Azzawia city is described with a site & location characteristics that have relation with the origin & development of the house، some are positive such as its location on the Mediterranean Sea surrounded by important constructional center which made it in the heart of movement of transport of goods & passengers، and the Geological formation that led to formation of the mines and provision of the stones for houses building & the good quality of the soil & suitable climate free from radicalism، with a rate of rain of 261 mm and an annual heat average not exceeding 20. 6 and an annual average of relative humidity of 67% and others negative، the most important of which is the blowing of winds from the north west direction where Azzawia Oil Refinery exists، and the blowing of (Al-Gebly) winds from the South and the South west، the effect of that on the dust contamination especially after the removal of the forest belt that was protecting the city. The reaction of the natural & human elements was reflected in the City in the appearance in many population & housing features different in place & variable in time such as the distribution، density، growth & structure of the average of the population growth trends to the continuous decrease from 5. 3% in 1973 to 1. 3% in 2006، accompanied by fluctuation in the average of housing growth from 5% to 1. 4% then to 3. 5% during the last three decades between 1973-2006، and it is expected that the size of population & housing will increase in a different way between 2006-2036. The urban growth in the city has historical evidences that may be referred to the Phoenician age were neglected and the city was developed historically، passing the openings age & the Islamic state where the city had later taken its name from the city had later taken its name from one of the Islamic corners and it became on oasis or a village on the road of caravans & Pilgrimage and its first nucleus was formed around Ben Sheaib Corner and (Haret Azzawia) area، then it was concentrated around the Turkish castle and the organization signs thereof appeared in the Italian age after the installation of the rail way line & the coastal road، then the layouts came، and the higher share of the uses of the lands in the city was always for the housing and the city grew in some stages naturally without planning (un planned) and its internal growth does not conform with any of the ores explaining the internal structure of the city. The planning of the city for the year 2000 aimed many uses of lands، among which the uses of housing of 1163 Hectares and the layout expected the number of houses to reach to 20230 houses، but as per the average housing growth achieved between 1995-2006، it is expected that they wil not exceed 21340 houses by the end of 2008، with a housing use area of about 1191. 4 Hectares، and the share of the individual is 101. 8 square meters The city is described with a housing structure characteristics indicated by the analysis of its elements such as the social & economic case of the inhabitants، the area of the housing units، their hights، ages، their basis building materials، their style … Etc. which was uncovered by severely interfering housing regions classified according to their relative importance in the Urban (Mahalat) in the city to housing regions according to the area of the housing units & housing regions as per the age of the housing units & other regions as per the style of the houses. As for the analysis of elements of efficiency of the house in the city such as the area of the housing building، designs of the houses، domestic gardens، yards، lighting and ventilation، it transpired that there is difference in the level of efficiency in the city and difference between its urban Mahalat، and it uncovered the positive & negative sides. The city is described with infrastructure services different in its level in the city and variant between one (Mahala) & other، represented in the services of water، electricity، sanitary drainage & public cleanness، and some parts of the city complain the bad services or non availability thereof sometimes، and they are as whole، of good level at the center of the city and become lower or nill in direction towards the outskirts thereof، especially the north eastern، the western & the southern western ones، and the families، whose number of individuals ranges between (6-8) persons constitutes 48%، and the degree of crowdness reached to (7-5) persons / house، and in the houses (1. 5) oersin/room approximately.