Role of Libya in Global Politics: Theory and Practice





Journal title

Afaq Magazine


Vol. 0 No. 2


Mustafa A. A. Kashiem


12 - 0


Review of the literature reveals that, small states do not play actually sub-regional, regional, and global leadership roles, due to their lack of resources and external restrains. The realists argue that, only big powers are prepared to lead the glob; and therefore, there is no such a place for small and middle-level powers. This study argues that, small and middle-level powers may play a regional and global role when three requirements are met, namely: political position, prestige and its charismatic leadership. Libya, as well as other small and middle level powers, e. g. Qatar and South Africa, are capable to play a regional and global leadership role due to their membership in various sub-regional, regional and global organizations. Furthermore, charismatic leadership and prestige are two other factors enable Libya, as a small country, to demand structural changes to the UN system as well as to conclude a friendship treaty with Italy. In order to examine the realist thesis regarding the limited role of small and middle level powers in global politics, this study was divided into three main sections: theoretical framework; Libyan efforts to reform the global system through the United Nations system; and Libyan success in the process of concluding a friendship treaty with Italy. This study concluded, however, that the realist thesis regarding the limited role of small states in global politics is invalid. arabic 9 English 44

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