Medical 3D Integral Images Visualization in True Space





Journal title

Lecture Notes on Software Engineering


Vol. 4 No. 2


Dr. Mahmoud Geat Mahmoud Eljadid
Prof. Amar Aggoun


1 - 4


3D Integral Imaging (also referred to as 3D Holoscopic imaging) methodology uses the principle of “Fly’s eye” and hence allows natural viewing of objects (i.e. fatigue free viewing); 3D-holoscopic technology produces images that are true optical models. This technology is based on physical principles with duplication of light fields. In this paper, a new method of visualization medical 3D integral images is proposed. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine data images (DICOM) taken from CT, MRI, PET and US images that produced by 3D-Doctor software to generate medical 3D integral images visualization of anatomy without glass in natural light. The method is mainly based on multiprocessor ray tracing system as renderer. The medical 3D content is captured in real time with the content viewed by multiple viewers independently of their position, without the needs of 3D eyewear. Experimental results show validation of the new algorithm and demonstrated that medical 3D integral images content can be displayed on commercially available multi-view auto-stereoscopic display. Medical 3D integral images content is parsed into multiprocessor ray tracing system, consequently, short time of medical 3D integral images movie of such pelvis scene is generated and displayed on PC screen, LCD and Holovizio display.



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