تقييم جودة مصادر المياه الجوفية في مدينة جنزور - ليبيا

تاريخ النشر


نوع المقالة

مقال في مجلة علمية

عنوان المجلة

مجلة العلوم الإنسانية والعلمية والإجتماعية


Vol. 2018 No. 5


خالد الصغير عمر حريبة


82 - 93


In this study the quality of ground water in the city of Janzour ± Libya was studied. 27 samples of well water were collected with depths ranging between 18 - 160 m covered most areas in the city and some of their chemical properties including pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved salts, and the concentration of nitrate, sulfate, sodium, potassium and calcium ions were determined and compared with the Libyan National Center for Standardization and Metrology. The results showed that the most samples did not exceed the maximum limit according to Libyan and world standard except W6 (Alirifi Asharif school) and W10 (Abd Aljalil Alirifi farm) which have high concentration of Sodium (200mg/l). Also noted that the amount of total dissolved salts is 50% of the samples were less than 100 mg/l which is the minimum amount according to the Libyan sta ndard.

موقع الناشر
