Pathology of Fatal Multi-Organ Impairment in a Rottweiler Dog





Journal title

Clinical & Experimental Pathology


Vol. 249 No. 5


Seham ALAzreg


161 - 168


Abstract The aim of this study is to define the main etiological factor(s) which have contributed to the death of a 7 years old Rottweiler male dog. The dog was thought to suffer from cardiac problems and died shortly after admission. External examination revealed pale mucous membranes and subcutaneous edema in the neck and abdominal regions. On evisceration, the liver was enlarged and both kidneys were slightly shrunk with grayish discoloration of their cortices. The wall of the urinary bladder was thickened while the prostate gland enlarged. There was left ventricular hypertrophy and right ventricular dilatation. The left atrioventricular valves showed characteristic features of endocardiosis while the right one had an adhering thrombus on its ventricular surface. Histopathology revealed diffuse chronic proliferative glomerulonephritis, hepatic central congestion, bronchopneumonia, myxomatous degeneration of left atrioventricular valve while the right valve had milder myxomatous changes and an adhering thrombus. The prostate was hyperplasic while the urinary bladder wall hypertrophic. We concluded that the dog has died due to multiple organic malfunctions.

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