Teaching Oral Skills in EFL Classroom: An Activity-Based Approach





Journal title


Ahmed M A Alshoushan


Abstract The emergence of English language as a global language has increased the demand of being mutually intelligible to the others and also challenged the teachers and learners across the globe for learning pronunciation and oral skills of the language. Communication between native and non-native speakers of English has challenged more as compared to communication between the non-natives only. This situation has become very different from the introduction of the communicative method of teaching because it focuses on discovery, not on memorization. And the ultimate goal is to become a proficient learner of English language. Moreover, the idea is to develop the oral skills of the learners with specific reference to pronunciation improvement. Because English is now seen not only as a subject to study but also it is accepted as the medium of communication and bridges the gap of information exchange. This paper aims to develop an alternative method of teaching oral skills with the use of activity-based training and teaching. It also points out some of the important aspects of foreign language teaching their problems and current situations on the approach, method and techniques. The paper also provides some of the important activity that can be used and utilized in teaching oral skills. Key Words: Communication, Competence, Oral Skills, Pronunciation, Activity Based Teaching.