التقييمات الطلابية للعملية التعليمية الجامعية: قسم الإعلام بجامعة طرابلس نموذجاً

تاريخ النشر


نوع المقالة

مقال في مجلة علمية

عنوان المجلة

مجلة الإعلام والفنون بالاكاديمية الليبية للدراسات العليا


Vol. 3 No. 1


عادل عاشور المرغني
د. علي المنتصر فرفر


1 - 24


.The research aims to reach student evaluations of the university educational process: the Media Department at the University of Tripoli as a model by directing some questions about students ’opinions about the department’s scientific curricula, and its performance. The sampleincluded 300 students, and where the research reached several results, namely: -The scientific curricula approach the good and the very good and move away from the weak and acceptable as well as excellent according to the results of the answers from specialized media students. -The answers came indicating -The results show about the opinions of media students specialized in some expressions related to scientific and practical methods, that most of the answers were for the general trend, in part. -The cluster shows that the department’s curricula have a good grade, the department’s performance is acceptable, and some curricular statements have a degree of partial agreement, although cluster 3 contains the most number of answers. But the cluster algorithm is based on preference regardless of number. -The female students ’attitudes in general and a level of statistical significance were more positive about the educational process in the media department than the male students’ attitudes, and this the researchers cannot explain in light of the data available in this study, so the researchers see the importance of conducting a subsequent study that tries to know the factors or variables Makes female students more positive in their evaluations of the educational process in the media department than male students

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