Effect of Vitamin A on Infertility Induced by Aluminum Chloride in Male Albino Mice





Journal title


Vol. 2021 No. 4


Zainab EL Mabrouk


40 - 50


Aims. The present study was designed to investigate the reproductive toxicity of Aluminum chloride (AlCl3), and the potential protective role of vitamin A in adult male mice. Methods: Twenty-one adult male albino mice were divided into three equal groups, the first group injected with distilled water, the second group injected with AlCl3 (120 mg/kg BW) daily for 10 days. The third group was also injected with AlCl3 (120 mg/kg BW) for 10 days, then injected with vitamin A (40 mg/kg) for another 10 days. All doses were given once daily via intraperitoneal injection. Results: The results showed that AlCl3 cause significant decrease in body weight, sperm motility, and sperm count, while it led to a significant increase in the number of abnormal sperm morphology. AlCl3 caused apparent alterations in the histological structure of the testes. While treatment with vitamin A showed a protective effect on the damage caused by AlCl3, on body weight, sperm parameters, and histoarchitecture of mice testes in comparison with AlCl3 treated mice. Conclusion: This study affords evidence for the protective role of vitamin A in ameliorating testicular toxicity caused by AlCl3.

