تقييم سوق العمل الاوراق المالية الليبي ومدي قدرتة علي جدب الموارد المالية

تاريخ النشر


نوع المقالة

رسالة ماجستير

عنوان الرسالة

كلية الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية جامعة طرابلس


وليد رمضان سالم


Abstract: The primary objective of this study is assess the Libyan stock market to extent its ability to attract financial resources, has been used by the curriculum through the inductive hypotheses to start from the basic theoretical model for the study. In order to achieve this goal and in view of the short duration of the study was limited to the electronic trading period from the first 03/04/2008 to 02/04/2009, as the actual beginning of the activity of the Libyan stock market, was adopted by a set of standards generally accepted in the assessment of securities markets, these criteria are: the milestones (indicators of the size of the market - liquidity indicators market) and compared to their capital markets to some Arab countries, and to test the operational efficiency by examining the following variables: the functions of the market, elements of the market, the stimulus to the circulation of securities, the level of trading and market transparency, and the obstacles faced by the stock market of Libya. And the measurement of efficiency pricing in accordance with the imposition of a weak sort of efficiency using a simple regression model. The study resulted in the acceptance of the hypothesis of the study: the lower the effectiveness of indicators for assessing the Libyan stock market (the size of the market indicators - indicators of market liquidity - the efficiency of the market) have a negative impact on the ability of the financial market. Has shown the weakness of all these indicators of stock market's ability to achieve the Libyan primary objective, which is to attract financial resources and channel them into investment. And this proved to be due to a variety of reasons and factors including: 1. Recent stock market of Libya. 2. The slow implementation of privatization programs. 3. Lack of representative sectors of the economy of the Libyan involvement in addition to a lack of market-listed companies. 4. Reliance on a single financial instrument is offered and the stock trading. 5. Rise in GDP relative to the size of the market value of the market. 6. Awareness of the weakness of investment and savings to individuals.