Report on an Ornithological Survey in Libya from 3 to 15 February 2007




Technical Report

Report title



ُُEtayeb et al


0 - 46


A third survey of Libyan wetlands and their wintering waterbirds was carried out in February 2007, as a follow-up to surveys in January 2005 and 2006. As in the two previous years, the survey was under the aegis of the Environment General Authority of Libya (EGA) and of the Regional Activity Centre / Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA) of the UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan, Tunis. The members of the survey were essentially the same as in the previous two winters, with additional Libyan participants from EGA; the absence of Nicola Baccetti of INFS, Italy, who remained a team member and took part in planning and discussion, was much regretted. The timing of the visit was slightly later than during the earlier visits, which had taken place in January; as a result there was a subtle difference in the birds observed, with a higher proportion of passage migrants, already moving north towards breeding grounds in Eurasia. Full details of all waterbirds counted are given in Appendix 1, and of non-waterbirds in Appendix 2.

