البحث العلمي وتاثيره على التنمية الاستثمار في راس المال البشري دراسة على الاردن

تاريخ النشر


نوع المقالة

مقال في مؤتمر علمي

عنوان المؤتمر

مؤسسة الفكر العربي


Vol. 2021 No. 1


سالمة الطيب خليفة سالم


554 - 572


ABSTRACT Human resources consider as an essential measure of the Wealth of Nations, because these resources are at the head of the capitalist components and assets affecting the economic and social situation of the countries. This study aimed to measure the influence of the number of students in higher education (diploma,BS,MS,PH.D) on economic growth in Jordan during the period (1980-2010) it also aimed to measure the influence of spending on higher education on economic growth and to identify the direction of causality between the variables. To accomplish the objects of this study we implement the linking procedure which estimates the quantity relationship between investment in human capital and its impact on the economic growth during the period (1980-2010) by using Vector Auto Regression model and we used two indicators for human capital: the number of graduate students and spending on higher education We used number of econometric tests such as unit root test for stationarity to know whither the economic variables that we used in our study stationary as time pass.and determine numbers of lag period test through using Akaik and Schwartz valuesand using Grenger Casualty test to identify the direction of casualty between the variables,as we used two main instruments for analyzing: Variance Decomposition and the response to the reaction function test. The most important results of the study: The number of students in higher education doubled during 1980-2010 in Jordan which have a positive impact on economic growth in Jordan and there is a strong relationship between elaboration in high education and the gross national product, become obvious a positive relationship between expenditure on higher education and GDP, the Granger Casualty shows that ther is a unidirectional causality from the numbers of higher education students and GDP, and between expenditure on education and numbers of higher education students and between the education students and educated workers,as for the result of Variance Decomposition analysis it shows that expenditure on education and numbers of higher education students play the majour role in explaining fluctuation in GDP and that consider as an evidence of the importance of these two instruments on investing decision in human resouse and finaly the response to the reaction function test shows that any sudden change in numbers of higher education students and expenditure on education have a positive impact on GDP. The study made several recommendations, including: linking educaton with labor market needs. As well as the need to elaborate in the gradute programs because of its positive impact in increasing real GDP. Key words: Scientific research - development - human resources - educated labor - human investment

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