The Role of Google Docs in Enhancing Collaborative Writing in Higher Education Institutions




Conference paper

Conference title



Vol. 1 No. 1


Fatima Saad Salah Aldawi
Ahmed Maher


1 - 6


Abstract— Technology and teaching tools play a crucial role in enhancing the learning process, especially collaborative learning, in higher education institutions. This role has been supported by widely used online platforms and educational technology tools. These tools include Google Docs, a free cloud-based writing tool allowing teachers and students to create a virtual, interactive, and collaborative learning environment. The researchers in this article attempt to draw attention to the capabilities and uses of Google Docs and its role in enhancing blended learning in higher education institutions. Based on the review of the relevant literature on the effectiveness and usefulness of Google Docs integration, it was found that Google Docs was recognised as a valuable technical and collaborative tool to enhance collaborative writing in higher education institutions. Its features make it easier for users to work together on documents, resulting in more efficient and effective collaboration, improving the students' writing skills.