An Investigation on the teaching aids employed by Libyan Lecturers in speaking classes in the department of English at Faculty of Languages/University of Tripoli




Conference paper

Conference title

Development and Institute of Economic Social Researches( IKSAD)


Ahlam Mahmoud Alshaiebi
Olaa Ali Azzabi


Abstract This study investigates on the teaching aids which employed by Libyan lecturers in speaking classes at department of English/ Faculty of Languages- University of Tripoli. The objectives of the study are to investigate the influence of teaching aids in speaking classes, to identify which are more interested in teaching speaking skill (male or female) and to determine which teachers (full or part time) are involved to use teaching aids. The researchers have been used a questionnaire method to collect data. The sample was for ten lecturers (male and female) to answer the questionnaire. The researchers found out that the females are more interested in teaching speaking with using teaching aids, the most of female teachers often use audio/ visual aids in teaching speaking skill while the most of male lecturers use visual aids in teaching speaking. On the other hand, some of male teachers use audio aids. Moreover, females are implemented to use teaching aids in full time lectures, whereas males are using them in part time of lectures.