How distinct are the goals of grammatical theory, descriptive grammars of specific languages, and pedagogical grammars?





Journal title

مجلة الإعلام و الفنون


Fatma Ramadan Ahmed Aboalhol


429 - 440


Abstract This article sought to answer the question raised at the onset of this work. It intended to examine the objectives for learning grammar and to make clear contrasts between the goals of grammar theory, descriptive grammars, and pedagogical grammars. The goal of pedagogical grammar is to present the essential rules that operate relatively well while ignoring exceptions. While descriptive grammar seeks to convey the grammar that underpins real language usage, practical grammar aims to define grammatical rules that are essential for comprehending and forming sentences, and theoretical grammar aims to explain these rules. Furthermore, this paper presented a brief historical review of grammar and investigated the general features of language as well as the principles and structure of grammars. This grammar analysis discovered that teaching grammar is the key problem since learning a second language is not as efficient as learning the mother tongue language. Linguists regard second language instruction as difficult since a student can only read and write the taught language while spoken language is not properly supported. Grammar theory explores how previous grammar connects to contemporary grammar. It was discovered that certain previous descriptive grammar systems have been simplified by new grammar systems. There have been issues in grammar concerning how semantics connect to grammar, that might support the claim that the syntactic feature is owing to grammar theory.

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