An approach to use BEM and proxy cache to enhance the performance of network applications over the Libyan disrupted network




Conference paper

Conference title

دار الكتب الوطنية بنغازي


Hisham Mohammed Milod Shneba


941 - 951


Network based application drives almost all processes in today's organization, that is why it becomes essential to organization to have a reliable network infrastructure. Reliability is concerned with the ability of a network to carry out a desired operation such as "communication" at any time. There are a lot of research and technology that provide the means of making a reliable network Design. In this research we will conduct a comprehensive study on the newest available techniques to improve the performance of any existed disrupted network and we are taking the Libyan network infrastructure as an example. we look specifically at the three techniques ( delay-tolerance-network , proxy cache , available bandwidth measurement). Finally we introduce a network architecture using the three techniques that we studied to improve the WAN connections performance of the Libyan network.

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