Ethics and Social responsibility of Business Organizations: Analytical Theory Study





Journal title

دار الكتب الوطنية بنغازي


Hisham Mohammed Milod Shneba
Abdulmula Guma Melud Maragani


424 - 435


With the spreading of the concept of ethics and social responsibility, it has become difficult for businesses organizations to overlook their ethical role and their social responsibility within the society, as well as ignoring the importance of the social participation to gain the sympathy and respect of the community and to ensure success and distinction. This study focused on ethics and social responsibility as essential parts of businesses organizations and studied the crucial role of practicing ethics and having social responsibility within businesses organizations towards the society. This study found the most fundamental level of businesses organizations and that ethics and social responsibility are significant parts within businesses organizations. Also the importance of ethics and social responsibility elements in the achievement for success. and also this study came out with recommendations such most noted that businesses organizations must have codified ethics in their environments and businesses organizations have to conduct their business ethically and with sensitivity towards social, cultural, economic, and environmental issues. And also businesses organizations should always take steps towards to maintain social responsibility by improving their products, services and contributions to the society the descriptive method was implemented to conduct this study and to discuss the aspects of this topic.