Successful Start to Spring 2024 Final Exams

The first day of the final exams has begun, and the supervisory committee, led by *Dr. Ali Khalaf*, is diligently following established protocols. 

As students and observers head to the examination halls for the three sessions, the college dean, *Dr. Ali Al-Zafir*, keeps a watchful eye on proceedings, demonstrating keen interest in every detail.

Safety remains a top priority. A well-equipped first aid station staffed by medical professionals is stationed at the college, and an ambulance from the local Emergency Medical Services stands ready for any emergencies that may arise.

Thanks to the organized procedures and efficient workflow implemented by the examination committee, the first day proceeded without a hitch. The collaborative efforts of teaching staff, administrators, and security personnel contributed significantly to the smooth conduct of the exams.

Our best wishes are for both ; the exams' committee and our dedicated students.
