محتوى المقرر
Week1: Core computing system architecture concepts & organizing structuresWeek2: Core technical components of omputer-based systems Role of IT infrastructure in a modern organization Operating systems
Week3: Core operating systems functionaliy Internal organization of an operating systemTypes of devices that require and use operating system
Week4: Multitasking and multithreadin systems and storage, User interfaces, operating systems
Week5: Core network components
Week6: TCP/IP model layer: wired and wireless connectivity
Week7: Data link layer: Ethernet oNetwork layer: IP, IP addressing and routing
Week8: core Internet application protocols Network security
Week9: The Internet as a key networking platform Network device
Week10: Organizing storage on organizational networks
Week11: Data centers configuration
Week12: Securing IT infrastructure Principles of encryption and authentication
Week13: Component level security: clients, servers, storage network devices, Perimeter security
Week14: firewalls using public networks for secure data transport: VPNs