Maintaining the ground lines in( B )Block

Maintaining  the ground lines  in( B )Block

In implementation of the agreement concluded between the Under-Secretary of Tripoli University for Human Sciences - B Block. Ibrahim Faeed and Director of the Office of Communications Services Ain Zara Engineer Salah Farara, where a ground communication cable of 700 meters long was withdrawn along with the installation of a  of six distribution boxes and wires  of 1800 meters long . The work continued for five days under the supervision of the Chairman of the blocks committee of Block B Dr. Khalid Guma. It is worth mentioning that the General Company for Communications has borne the full cost of materials. All the holes , that prevented the free entry/exit of the cars at the main gate, were filled up and settled. The movement of cars has become   smooth . Moreover, the problem of frequent water breaks was,  finally, solved   as   2 water pumps of 10 hp were installed to supply the upper tank that feeds all the buildings of the Block as well as the  residential neighbourhood  adjacent to the university.
