The Second Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences

The Second Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences

On Saturday 28/10/2017, at Rasheed Kabar  auditorium   , the second scientific conference of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences -  the University of Tripoli, was launched.  The conference   lasts for three days . The conference deals with     “ the reality and policies of development in physical education and sports sciences  under the slogan "Towards New Horizons for Scientific Research",   The conference was attended by the President of the University of Tripoli, Dr. Nabil Al-Natah, the former Minister of Youth and Sports Abdul-Salam Gawaila, the former President of the University of Tripoli,. The conference was also attended by a number of the faculties’ deans of the university along with assistants , staff members and students,  a number of the presidents of the Libyan federations and a number of those  interested and specialists in the field of sports
