President of Tripoli Welcomes Ambassador of Rwanda to Libya

President of Tripoli  welcomes Ambassador of Rwanda to Libya

Prof. Dr. Nabil Al-Natah, welcomed in his office at the university the Rwandan Ambassador to Libya His Excellency Sheikh Saleh Hayimana. The reception was attended by the Undersecretary of the University of Tripoli Dr. Mabrouk Faris and the Vice-president for Medical faculties Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al-Uzi. The university president welcomed the Rwandan ambassador and praised the role of his country in standing up with Libya especially in the difficult circumstances that we are experiencing.

For his part, the ambassador welcomed this meeting and expressed his happiness to visit the University of Tripoli, especially, that he is a graduate of Libya. He stressed that he seeks to help the Libyans, to the best of his ability. He called for benefiting from the Rwandan experience in reconciliation and reunification for the building of the Libyan state. He, also, emphasized the importance of the role of the University of Tripoli in contributing to the advancement of Libya and its stability.
